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Blog News

4th January 2010

After our Christmas break we're back to regular posting.

21st August 2009

Due to moving home and a period without any internet access I've been unable to update my blogs. Things are now back to normal and daily updates will return from this Monday.

26th May 2009

After this week the blog will be taking a break for our Summer vacation. Updates will begin again from the week starting June 22nd.

20th May 2009

I've added a seperate blog for NSFW wallpapers. There's a link on the menu above. I'll also check through the archives of our main blog and move any borderline NSFW desktops over to the new site over the next couple of days.

18th May 2009

The email is now working again.

14th May 2009

For the last couple of days I've been having problems logging onto the Yahoo mail servers to check the blog email. If you need to get in touch with us quickly then send your mail here instead.

3rd May 2009

I've added a new "Free Babe Galleries" section to the left sidebar. These are the site that plug our posts and keep us going, so please show your thanks by clicking a couple of them. The content is of high quality, but needless to say very NSFW.


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